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This tells of what happens in G-Castle during the events of Mugen Souls Z.

Conquest Begins[]

At the start Ryuto informs Chou-Chou they arrived at the galaxy of the Twelve Glittering Worlds. Naturally Chou-Chou is excited to conquer them all. Suddenly (like the first game) they are attacked by monsters summoned by a mysterious woman. Chou-Chou takes them on by herself and wins. Chou-Chou and her friends celebrate too soon as the enemy brings out their airship, the Etherwind. Ryuto suggests that Chou-Chou try one of the modifications of the new and improved G-Castle. The ship transforms into a new battle mode, a giant robot. After beating the ship and forcing the enemy to retreat, Chou-Chou congratulates Ryuto for a job well done and conquering the twelve worlds will be a snap. But if it's too easy then it won't be fun, so Chou-Chou has an idea: Turn conquering into a game. Drop off each member of the main cast from the first game to conquer a different world and and see who conquers which of the twelve worlds first.

A Grand Tour[]

After the events on Rose World, Li'l Chou-Chou is sleeping. Syrma compliments on her sleeping so peacefully. Nao informs them that it isn't the time to be snoozing. Ryuto points out that even Chou-Chou gets tired since she had to deal with her body shrinking and her powers disappearing. Syrma says that Chou-Chou sleeping looks comfy and decides to take a nap as well, but Nao says no. When Syrma asks why not, Nao says that since they're going to be on the ship for a while, they should take the chance to take a look around and Syrma especially needs to since she will get lost easily. Syrma says that it was... very possible but still mean. Ryuto gladly offers to show them around and Nao says it would be helpful but asks if he needs to pilot. He says it is all right since the autopilot can take care of that. With that, Nao gladly accepts the offer, but Syrma wants her nap.

Ryuto's Theory[]

After the tour Li'l Chou-Chou wakes up and asks Ryuto if they are there yet? Ryuto apologizes to Li'l Chou-Chou and says he's doing his best but he can't just make the ship go any faster. Li'l Chou-Chou wonders why not and points out they they are going even slower than before. Ryuto tells her it's not like he knows why but has an idea as to why which Li'l Chou-Chou asks.

Suddenly, two Shampurus came in. Li'l Chou-Chou tells them to get out since they were having an important conversation but one of them jumps on her. Li'ln Chou-Chou asks what are they jumping on her for and orders them to get off her but the other one jumps on her as well. Li'l Chou-Chou orders them to get off again and complains about them being too heavy and has a hard time breathing. Syrma thinks it's cute that the Shampurus are playing with Li'l Chou-Chou, but Nao asks if Syrma thinks Li'l Chou-Chou might be in trouble. Li'l Chou-Chou orders the others to help her and even more Shampuru's jump on her. Li'l Chou-Chou tells the Sampurus not to pile on her all at once but they ignore her. This was what Ryuto was afraid of. When Syrma asks what, Ryuto explains what the Shampurus are, how they used to be people and the fact that Chou-Chou used her powers to turn them into peons, and not just people but monsters and even pieces of garbage as well. Nao tells him to get to the point since she does not care about the details. Ryuto explains that to the Shampuru's Chou-Chou is the object of their affection and undying worship but now they're defying her because she lost her 'undisputed god' power. Syrma asks if they don't like Chou-Chou anymore and Ryuto answers that they still love her and his love for her has not gone away either, but now Chou-Chou is more apporoachable and they don't have to follow her every command like they did before. Nao reminds Ryuto that she does not care about the details and he tells her not to rush her. He concludes by saying that Chou-Chou's powers affect other stuff, like it was the power source for G-Castle, which explains why the ship is even slower than it was before. Nao concludes that it is all Syrma's fault. Syrma argues by saying that Chou-Chou went in the coffin on her own. Li'l Chou-Chou tells them to help her since the Shampuru's were heavy and slippery and Syrma tells her she'll be okay and she tells her to stop calling her by her nickname.

Nao says that since they have so much free time, they should move on by giving her the detailed version after all. Ryuto agrees with her saying it would be best to explain everything, but he is not sure where to begin. Nao asks as a starting question what the 'undisputed god' thing Li'l Chou-Chou was talking about and Ryuto simply answers that the undisputed god is the undisputed god but Nao says that does not help at all. ryuto further explains that Chou-Chou was the god that created the seven shining worlds. This piqued Nao's curiosity and Ryuto says that the seven worlds are far away from the twelve worlds and to the citizens of the seven worlds, himself included, Chou-Chou was the creator and undisputed god of the universe. Li'l Chou-Chou confirms Ryuto's claim and Syrma thinks Chou-Chou is amazing. Nao wonders if it was true or if Chou-Chou was full of herself and Li'l Chou-Chou asks her what that was supposed to mean. Ryuto says that it is true and he personally witnessed Chou-Chou's greatness more times than he can count. Li'l Chou-Chou's ego swelled up until Nao says that she still does not buy it and asks if she expects to believe that Li'l Chou-Chou created the seven worlds and Li'l Chou-Chou once again points out that it was Syrma's fault she is like this and she was normal right up until then. Nao goes further by saying she was small when they first met as well. This upsets Li'l Chou-Chou even further and she decides that that was enough and she is going to turn Nao into her peon but Ryuto intervines and tells her to calm down. Nao continues by saying she would never work for a dinky thing like her. This infuriates Li'l Chou-Chou. Ryuto tells Nao not to provoke her anymore. Syrma butts in and Ryuto tells her to calm the other two down, but Syrma asks what was the blinking red light. Ryuto tells her it's the radar and wonders if an enemy is attacking.

Syrma's Pursuer[]

The gruff young man arrives on G-Castle and wonders if Chou-Chou and co. trying to invade the 12 worlds with a giant spaceship but does not mind a little distraction before taking out Chou-Chou and claims he will destroy her. Soon, Li'l Chou-Chou and co. arrive on the scene. Ryuto's suspicion is confirmed and Li'l Chou-Chou berates him for not noticing things like that until they're right on top of them. Ryuto tells them it's not his fault this time and it was because Li'l Chou-Chou and Nao were arguing. Nao tells him there was no point having a radar if they're not going to use it and Syrma tries to get a good look at the enemy. The young man tells them none of them are taking the situation seriously and asks which one of them is the undisputed god. Li'l Chou-Chou responds asking if he has heard of her, then she gets a swelled head saying she's already famous and how great she is, but he thinks he's hearing voices and asks her to show herself. Li'l Chou-Chou asks where is he looking and points him in her direction. He tells her to stop screwing around and asks if she is too scared to show herself, thinking she is a coward without equal. Insulted, Li'l Chou-Chou keeps trying to get his attention. Ryuto then shows her and Nao says she can't handle it. The young man then demands her to stop hiding and show herself, claiming her to be another fly buzzing around her head, waiting for him to swat. Suddenly, Syrma arrives and looks at the man, saying he looks totally evil. The young man notices Syrma but she was not the one that was talking. Suddenly, he remembers something about her, but she asks if she has something on her face. He asks if she is an ultimate god and she answers yes, saying she's embarrassed because she is a celebrity but Li'l Chou-Chou yells at them to stop ignoring her and that she was the celebrity first and Nao replies that she never heard of either of them. Ryuto thinks it's strange and asks why does he know about Syrma and Li'l Chou-Chou. Then young man bursts into laughter and tells Syrma he never thought he would run into her so soon. A puzzled Syrma asks if he was looking for her and he confirms it, not caring about Li'l Chou-Chou and tells her she is the one he's been looking for, but Syrma gets the wrong idea and says he can't spring something like that on her and Li'l Chou-Chou is angered and asks what he means by who cares and saying that the undisputed god is greater than an ultimate god. Ryuto feels like each part of the conversation isn't meshing with the other parts. Nao demands to know who the young man is saying the least he can do is tell us his name. He says that there's no point introducing himself to someone who is about to die but complies, saying he is known as Ace and that should bring them some comfort. Syrma asks who is about to die and he tells them they will and he asks if they could shut up and die. Syrma points out that that is even worse than before and a battle ensues.

With Their Powers Combined...[]

Undisputed and Ultimate God

Chou-Chou mounts up on Syrma

The result of the battle was not favorable as Syrma, Ryuto and Nao are in pain. Ace compliments them saying they are tougher than he expected, but if that was all they got they're doomed. Li'l Chou-Chou tells them to get their act together but Ryuto tells her Ace is really strong and Nao tells her that she's supposed to be a hero but she feels like she hasn't done anything at all so far. Li'l Chou-Chou asks Syrma what about her, asking if she's an ultimate god and telling her she must have some superpowers or something. Syrma rebuttles by asking her if she is an undisputed god. Li'l Chou-Chou points out that Syrma absorbed her power and asks if she forgot about that already. Ace tells them it's time to end the battle and that he will make it quick and summons more monsters. Nao tells them that more monsters are coming their way and Syrma asks what will they do. Li'l Chou-Chou tells them not to sweat it and all she needs to do is turn them into peons. Syrma asks what she means by that and how can she do something like that. Li'l Chou-Chou tries to explain but says that it would be too hard to do so. Ryuto tells them they can't stand around, and Ace orders the monsters to attack but not to kill them since he wants to deal the killing blow. The monsters comply and the party panics. Li'l Chou-Chou, sick and tired of watching, climbs on top of Syrma's head. Syrma asks why is she doing that and Li'l Chou-Chou says that it's because she can give her orders from up there so she should do what she tells her. Syrma, though she does not understand, complies and Li'l Chou-Chou tells her to turn them into peons.

After the battle, Syrma points out how amazing it was and that they won and the monsters are tiny. Li'l Chou-Chou tells her she knew she could do it. The monsters are confused now that they are shampurus. Ace is shocked and asks why did his monsters turn into shampurus. Nao is impressed, saying it is true and that the shampurus used to be big bad monsters and Ryuto thinks it's incredible that Li'l Chou-Chou can grant her power to someone else. Syrma says they are cute and asks if these are their peons now but Li'l Chou-Chou says no saying they are her peons. Furious, Ace asks what they did to his monsters. Syrma says that she is the one that turned them into peons but Li'l Chou-Chou says she did it using her powers so they're hers. Even more furious, Ace asks once more what they did to them, and Li'l Chou-Chou tells him to shut up and says she turned them all into peons. Syrma says she has so many and it wouldn't kill her to share a few. Ace asks what she is talking about but notices Li'l Chou-Chou and asks why she has a dumpling on her head and if she is mocking him. Syrma is confused asking how a dumpling got on her head and wonders if he is referring to Li'l Chou-Chou. Li'l Chou-Chou tells her not to grope her and asks if he just called her a dumpling. Nao asks what else could they be talking about. Furious, Li'l Chou-Chou asks why they keep calling her names like dinky and dumpling but she calms down at the fact Ace finally acknowledges her presence and introduces herself as the overwhelmingly super-beautiful undisputed god of the universe who has come to conquer the world, Lady Chou-Chou. Ace is stunned and Li'l Chou-Chou wants him to say things like no way or whoa. Ace asks if Li'l Chou-Chou is the undisputed god of the universe ans says what a joke calling her a hairball. Li'l Chou-Chou is insulted and asks if she's a hairball now, and Nao says, because Ace mentioned it, Li'l Chou-Chou kind of looks like a hairball. Ryuto tells them to show some respect and that even though she is kind of unimpressive now she really is the undisputed god. Li'l Chou-Chou is shocked that even Ryuto is calling her unimpressive. Ace wonders if they are the undisputed god and the ultimate god respectively. Nao asks if he still wants to fight them and Syrma asks him why he wanted to fight them in the first place, calling him Aceums. Ace is insulted at his nickname and says he does not feel like fighting them anymore and they he will let them live, however and Syrma interrupts him asking however what. He answers by saying that at some point in the near future, he will kill them so they should be prepared and with that he departs. Syrma says she can't wait for something like that and tells him to wait.

Li'l Chou-Chou says that Ace must really hate her and Nao agrees and asks if she did something to him in the past or maybe while she were asleep. Syrma asks how could she do anything while she was asleep and that she does not remember anything from the past. Ryuto says that Ace was unnaturally angry at her and that he bets that you did something and forgot about it and Nao agrees saying he sounds pretty sure about that. Ryuto recalls that not too long ago, Belleria was the same way towards Li'l Chou-Chou. Nao was surprised asking if someone used to hate her as well and Syrma wonders about Belleria, but Li'l Chou-Chou says they're not talking about her and tells Ryuto to shut up to which Ryuto apologizes. Syrma wonders if she really just forgot and if it was true, she feels awful, but Nao tells ner there is no point in worrying about it now and from the sound of it, she's sure they will run into him again and Syrma asks if it's only because he's going to try and kill her. Nao points out they arrived at the next world while they were talking and Ryuto confirms it and prepares for landing. Syrma becomes depressed and Li'l Chou-Chou tells her to keep her chin up and reminds her of her mission: To conquer the twelve worlds and restore her full power. Confused, Syrma asks when they decided to do that and Li'L Chou-Chou answers they decided just now, they should get going and she's going to make the twelve worlds all hers. Annoyed, Syrma tells her to stop making decisions without asking her.

Reu's Powers[]

After the events on Scarlet World, on board G-Castle, Li'l Chou-Chou asked Syrma if she absorbed Reu's power, and she confirms it, saying she is one step closer to becoming the ultimate god. Angry, Chou-Chou asked why didn't Reu shrink, this makes Reu confused. Syrma think that it is because Chou-Chou is not an ultimate god. Li'l Chou-Chou does not buy it and asks Syrma if some of her Ultimate God Powers have returned. Syrma tells her not to worry about that and Chou-Chou wonders what is with her super confident attitude, making her worried. Syrma says she absorbed a new power from Reu called Ultimate Vault. Li'l Chou-Chou is surprised and Shirogane asks what kind of power it is. Reu says she has no idea. Lil' Chou-Chou says it sounds pretty powerful and asks what it does. Syrma says that the power lets her jump really high. Li'l Chou-Chou is slightly impressed. Disappointed, Syrma tells her to think about the power and that she can jump high in the air, but Li'l Chou-Chou thinks if it as a lame power. Angry, Syrma decides to show her without realizing Li'l Chou-Chou is still on top of her head. Before Li'l Chou-Chou could complete her sentence, Syrma jumps and unintentionally flattens Li'l Chou-Chou and hurts her own head. Nao tells het to think before she acts next time, but Syrma tells her that Li'l Chou-Chou was being so mean but sees she's missing. Ryuto thinks that Li'l Chou-Chou was on Syrma's head, which meant that she was squashed flat. Reu laughs and says she's a piece of paper, and Shirogane intervenes saying she won't go back to normal if she rips her. Nao says her body really does work in strange ways.

The player is then given a lecture on Ultimate Fusion.

Arrival on White World[]

After a while, Syrma and co. finally arrive on White World, but Li'l Chou-Chou complained about the fact that it took too long to get here and asked Ryuto if he could do something about that to which Ryuto says no, and asks if Li'l Chou-Chou got some of her powers back. Li'l Chou-Chou is shocked that Ryuto is giving her lip and asks if he has forgotten his place. At first Ryuto denies this but then thinks it's true. Li'l Chou-Chou becomes worried because he is talking back to her but Ryuto tries to make her feel better by saying he would never do that. Shirogane mentions something about feeling it as well, and Li'l Chou-Chou wonders what he means and if he's feeling the same thing. He confirms it by saying since they met up it hasn't felt like Li'l Chou-Chou is the master he had and it isn't just him. Now Li'l Chou-Chou was even more worried asking of neither of them are her peons anymore and Ryuto keeps telling her it's not true and Shirogane was not true peon material to begin with. Shirogane tells them that it's different because before he had this sensation that he should obey Li'l Chou-Chou but now he's not so sure. Then Li'l Chou-Chou starts to worry that her powers may never come back and her peons will abandon her. Shirogane reassures and reminds her of how close they've gotten and Ryuto reassures her that whether she's the Undisputed God or not, he will be her peon forever and with that Li'l Chou-Chou's mind is at ease. Reu takes the opportunity to go outside and Nao tells her not to go out by herself. Syrma also gives her the nickname "Rei-Rei" and also tells her and if she wants to make Shirogane mad at her. Shirogane remarks that they can't take their eyes off her for a second and tells Reu not to make trouble for everyone but Reu retaliates by yelling to go outside. Ryuto says that Reu looks like she's about to toss herself outside and tells Li'l Chou-Chou that they should get going to which she agrees.

Return to Rose World[]

After the events on White World, Syrma and co return to space. Li'l Chou-Chou is complaining that they have a long ship cruise ahead of them. Ryuto tells her that she does not have to say it like that and it is not his fault. Nao says she does not mind a leisurely ride and she is feeling worn out, but Reu says she wants to go outside. Shirogane tells her to behave and asks Tsukika Izayoi to take care of her, but she says that if they mess around, they could wreck the ship. Li'l Chou-Chou asks Ryuto how much longer it is until the next stop, but he says he is not sure and that it did not take long before but at the speed they're going it can take a while. Just then Syrma tells everyone she is remembering more. Curious, Li'l Chou-Chou asks what it is she remembers and she tells her that she got some more of her memories back when she recovers her ultimate god powers and this time, she remembers something about the twelve worlds. Nao asks if it is something she needs to tell everyone now, and Syrma says yes since the others were talking about how long it will take to get to the next world. Interested, Ryuto asks if what she knows has to do with it, which Syrma confirms, but in order to do so, she explains it from the beginning.

She starts by asking if there are 12 worlds, which Shirogane confirms. Nao asks why she is bringing it up again, and Reu becomes bored. Syrma tells them she is trying to explain it in order and that the twelve worlds are separated into four groups of three. Curious, Li'l Chou-Chou asks Ryuto if that is true and he confirms it, saying that when he dropped everyone off on their respective worlds, sometime there were big gaps between them. Syrma concludes by saying that the next world is very far away. Nao says sarcastically that the next world is like the end of the conversation, and Li'l Chou-Chou agrees by telling her to hurry up and get to the point. Depressed, Syrma says that she thought it would be easier to understand that way, and Tsukika tells her not to be sad and asks how far she thinks the next world is. Syrma says she not sure but she thinks about five times as far as they have traveled already. Shocked, Li'l Chou-Chou asked if it really was five times as far, and Syrma says that it might be ten times. Angry, Li'l Chou-Chou says that she doubled it and whatever it is, it will take a super long time to get from one world to the next. Ryuto says that that much was clear. All the talking caused Reu to fall asleep, which Shirogane noticed. Tsukika is jealous since Reu got to sleep on Shirogane's lap. Annoyed, Li'l Chou-Chou demands that Ryuto and Syrma do something, but both say that they can't do anything. She then Demands Shirogane or Tsukika to do something, but both are attending to Reu, who is napping, and even though Tsukika is jealous, she remarks that Reu is cute when she's sleeping. Angered, Li'l Chou-Chou says they're all useless and asks what she is supposed to do. Nao tells her that screaming her head off won't help and just accept the fact it will take a while. Flustered, Li'l Chou-Chou suddenly comes up with an idea and asks Ryuto to take everyone so far back to the first world they visited, thinking it won't take as long. Curious, Syrma asks that by the first world, they mean her home of Rose World, and Ryuto says he can but asks if she is sure saying there is not much left to do there. Li'l Chou-Chou tells her to just do it. Sarcastically, Nao asks her about what she is thinking, but Li'L Chou-Chou tells her she will have to wait and see. Concerned, Shirogane asked if Li'l Chou-Chou's personality changed and says she is more childish, and Tsukika agrees saying she was thinking the same thing. He thinks that if her appearance changes, her personality changes as well. Tsukika agrees, but says it's hard to hold it against her when she's tiny and cute. And Reu is still asleep.

Mugen Field Reopens[]

Before returning on Rose World, Syrma asks Li'l Chou-Chou, who asked why she stopped all of a sudden, if there was a store here before. Li'l Chou-Chou says there was no store before, but then sees it and asks when did it get here. Nao reads Mugen Field on the sign and has no idea what that means. Suddenly, they hear a girl greeting them. Startled, Nao asks who the girl is and she tells them she is Selfina and asks them if they forgot who she is. Syrma asks Nao who she is and the latter says she has no idea. Ryuto greets Selfina while Li'l Chou-Chou suddenly remembers and asks where she has been since their last adventure. She explains she had to close up shop due to some trouble but now she's back and the shop is open. Intrigued, Nao asks if she is another one of her friends and Syrma says she has never seen her before. Ryuto says that she is not their friend in a way and she just showed up one day in the first adventure and Li'l Chou-Chou said she suddenly opened up a shop. Sarcastically, Nao asks them why would they let a person they don't know do whatever she wanted. Syrma introduces herself and Selfina says she has some new customers and greets them properly, welcoming them to Selfina's Mugen Field. Nao asks what the Mugen Field is and Syrma tells her not to be so hasty and explains.

The player is then given a tutorial of the Mugen Field.

After the explaination, Selfina asks if they understand, Syrma tries to comprehend and Ryuto tells her it's not that hard and they'll pick it up as they go along. Li'l Chou-Chou says it's fun and decides they should go now. Nao says that even though they are taking things easy but they don't have time to goof around. Selfina tells them not to worry because time in the Mugen Field flows differently than in their reality. Li'l Chou-Chou says it's no problem even though she does not get it but it only makes Nao more nervous as she says she does not want to go in there because it sounds sketchy. Syrma says that if Nao does not want to go in they should wait until later when they're more in the mood, but Li'l Chou-Chou says they should go in now. Selfina complies saying that she understands and hopes they will see her again.

Next Stop, Silver World[]

After the events on Rose World, Syrma and co. head to the Green Cluster. Their first stop is the nearest world, Silver World, which Ryuto says is in sight. Li'l Chou-Chou says it was fast and she was right to bring the worlds closer together. Reu is happy because she gets to go outside again, but Nao says she was thinking it might not be the best idea right now and everyone on the world might be in a panic. Syrma says it's fine and does not think people are too worried about little details like that, but she says that if she thinks everyone is as dopey as her, she's in for a big surprise, making her depressed and saying that was kind of mean. Shirogane tells them that they can't undo what has been done. Nao sort of agrees saying as  a hero she's not sure she should be on the same side as a bunch of troublemakers. Tsukika tells her that both she and Ryuto are heroes but that does not make her feel any better in the slightest and she sort of agrees. Syrma tells the others not to sit with sour looks on their faces and they need to make the best of things. Nao thinks to herself that she has been just following them around but there is no proof Syrma is an evil god but if she has an evil reason for wanting to become an ultimate god again, she won't have much of a choice. Syrma asks what is wrong and if there is something on her face saying she just washed it. Nao then says it was dumb for her to consider Syrma was evil. When she asked she said she was thinking how dumb her face looked, and she thought it was a mean thing to say. Chou-Chou interrupts them telling them to stop flirting and get going and she will conquer Silver World before breakfast.

Victory on Violet World[]

After the battle against Kakeru's G-Chaser, Chou-Chou says the enemy is down so now they board the ship. Kakeru is crying when he sees his ship destroyed. Reu asks if he is crying and tells him not to be sad. Amazed, Syrma says she has no idea G-Castle was so powerful. Ryuto confirms it and says he and Elka poured their hearts and souls into it. Chou-Chou says it's time to board and they should stop talking and just board.

What To Do Now?[]

After the events on Ebon World, Syrma explained what happened while en route to the next world. After her explaination, she says that is pretty much what happened and asks the others if it all makes sense. Nao says that there were an awful lot of stops and restarts in the story, but thinks they got the gist of it. Alys says that it took forever though. Syrma says she is really bad at explaining stuff. Reu is fast asleep during her explainiation, which Tsukika notices. Shirogane says that even if she were wide awake, he does not think she would understand what they are talking about.

Chou-Chou surmizes that there used to be the one world, but then some gods got in a fight and split the world apart and says it sounds familiar. When Dees asks Chou-Chou if it does sound familiar, she says that is exactly what happened with her and Belleria. Chou-Chou says it was not and that what happened between her and belleria was all because her dumb pet was a bad guy. Ryuto asks if Tioni does have a pet or was she trying to destroy the twelve worlds herself. Syrma says she is not sure because since she does not remember, she must not have bothered to ask. Nao says that if they are talking about bad guys, she asks if it has to be Ace but Syrma says she does not know. Bertram says that this has turned into an unexpectedly serious predicament, but Kakeru says it is fine, saying that an evil force is trying to destroy the world and the hero of justice races to stop it and says all is as it should be. Chou-Chou says that she is not so sure because if Tioni really was evil, she does not think Belleria would have gotten so friendly with her. Dees reminds her that she got friendly with Vorgis as well and she even started calling him her father. Chou-Chou agrees with her and says maybe Belleria is just a terrible judge of character. Shirogane says that he did not get a sense that she was evil, but Ryuto tells him he does have a soft spot for little girls. Shocked, he asks what he is trying to imply and just as Tsukika asks if he really does like little girls, he says no, not at all. While she is sleeping, Reu says she loves Shirogane.

Alys asks if there is really no point in thinking about all that right now, and Dees answers right, saying they do not have all the information they need and the ultimate god's full power still has not returned. Nao adds that whether Tioni is good, evil or whatever, asks if the twelve worlds are still going to disappear if they don't stop her and adds that if what Syrma told the party is true. Syrma says it is true and asks how come she never trusts her and she says it is not her fault but she has just never given her a reason to. Bertram says that when the time comes, he shall leave the decision to Syrma and points out he no longer has the power of an ultimate god. Kakeru says it is sad but true, and adds that playing second banana is the true sweet spot for a hero anyway so he has no problem with it. Syrma is bummed, saying she is really starting to feel the weight of all that responsibility. Chou-Chou says that she is not sure if she agrees with what is happening right now. Syrma says hearing her talk like that right above her head just makes her doubt herself even more. Nao tells her to leave her doubts for later and for now she should focus on turning back into a proper ultimmate god, emphasis on proper. Syrma tells her she did not have to say it twice and asks if everyone does not think she is a proper ultimate god already. Chou-Chou says no way, Ryuto says nope, Bertram says he is afraid not and Reu, who is still asleep, saus no. Syrma calls everyone a bunch of meanies.

We Forgot Marina, but She Appears and Returns[]

A short while later, Ryuto gets Chou-Chou's attention and she asks what is up because he does not look so good. He says he remembered something really important and points out everyone else forgot it as well so it is not like it is his fault. Chou-Chou asks what he is going on about and tells him to be a man and speak up. Syrma asks if they forgot something and what it is but Chou-Chou says they are not forgetting anything, saying they absorbed the ultimate god's powers and the planets as well. Just as she is about to ask what else was there to do, he says, simply put, they forgot about Marina Cannonvale.

Chou-Chou, Shirogane, Tsukika, Alys, and Dees have no comments and Ryuto says they all did forget about her. When Syrma asks about Marina, whom she calls Marinara, Nao says he did mention that name before on the last world.

Chou-Chou asks how could Ryuto forget something so important and calls him an idiot, but he points out that Chou-Chou forgot as well. Shirogane tells them to calm down and says it is a good thing he remembered when he did. Tsukika apologizes to Marina. With no other options, Chou-Chou says they have to go back to Ebon World, saying they need to find Marina. Dees says they can look, but it will not be easy. Bertram says she did mention her supernatural ability to get lost. Dees adds she is also kind of dumb and she likes to cause magic explosions no matter where she is. Alys says it would be nice if she did that now and it would be easier to find her.

Suddenly, without any logic, reason, or explanation, Marina walks in on the conversation and asks if they are talking about her. Chou-Chou, oblivious to the fact she is standing right in front of her, says hi to Marina and tells her they forgot to pick her up on the last world so they were just saying how they need to go back and get her. She is sad and says it is so mean that they forgot about her. She says that that reason is why the group is going back and get her right now. Syrma points out that Marina is right in front of her and Nao asks Chou-Chou if the girl standing in front of her is the Marina girl they were talking about. Chou-Chou, still oblivious, says yes, she is just like she told them and tells everyone to look at Marina's gigantic tatas. Flustered, Marina tells her she could have introduced her in a less embarrassing way. Just as Chou-Chou tells her she needs to share some of her secrets, Chou-Chou finally notices Marina, freaks out and asks how did she get here. Ryuto tells her it took a while to notice. Shirogane says that she appears in the most unexpected places, while Reu says she smells a stranger. Marina asks what she means by how and says she just opened the door. She adds that she is pretty sharp today to be able to get to the cockpit in one try.

Chou-Chou says that is not what she means and asks when did she get back. Marina tells her she got back just now and explains that she was walking around and then suddenly she was surprised to find herself inside G-Castle. Nao is shocked and confused beyond belief when she asks if she got back just now and asks aren't they in mid flight right now, asking how could she get back to G-Castle while it is in mid-flight. Alys tells her not to think about it too much and says Marina does not let a silly thing like logic stop her. Dees adds that it just can not be scientifically explained, although Marina is supposedly a magician. Nao says that is fine and Syrma is amazed that Marina is a magician. Marina asks if Chou-Chou got smaller or if she has grown bigger again and says she does not need to be growing any bigger. Angry, Chou-Chou asks what she means by grow bigger and she says she means her body.

Kakeru says he was a little preoccupied by that wierd conversation just now, but as he takes a better look, Marina's breasts really are huge. Bertram agrees, saying he can hardly keep his eyes off them. Alys, annoyed, asks if he like big breasts like Marina's and he says she misjudged him, saying her human-sized breasts are very beautiful as well.

Marina asks why she got smaller, asking if it was a new magical spell or something. As Syrma explains that it is not magic and says she is an ultimate god, Nao says they will have to explain her story from the beginning as well, while Ryuto says they do have some time until they reach the next world. Chou-Chou says that since she is this small she could probably ride on her boobies and tells her to give it a try. Startled, Marina says even though she does not mind, she tells her not to do it in front of everyone. Staring in disbelief, he asks if such a scandalous and enviable thing is allowed. Dees says they are not in the mood for serious talk and as Ryuto said earlier, they do have plenty of time.

With that, Marina returns and she is added to the party.

The Galeos Falls[]

After the woman's ship, the Galeos, is beaten, Chou-Chou says the enemy is down and now they can board and beat the snot out of her, and Syrma says they need to absorb her powers as well.

Arrival on Jade World[]

Once the party arrives on Jade World, Elka, after making a smooth landing, tells everyone they're here and to get off the ship, but Alys Levantine tells him to be quiet and to stop barking out orders like he has authority over anyone at all ever.

Next Stop, Sapphire World[]

After the events on Jade World, as G-Castle leaves, Chou-Chou is happy and says they are finally down to two left. Syrma agrees saying the party is almost done. Onluka says she feels like she should remind Syrma that her goal is not to recover her ultimate god powers and that the true goal comes after that. Syrma says she knows that and she just did not want to think about it yet. Elka says from their position, the last two worlds are about the same distance from there and asks which one they should go to first. Ryuto says that one if where they left Welsh Cocott and Sharuru Cocott and the other is where they first dropped off Belleria and Bertram adds that is where Ace, Altalt-tistis and Tioni must be. When Sandy Sunshine asks what does Chou-Chou think they should do, she tells them they should just go in order, saying they can scoop up Welsh and Sharuru, then go to Belleria.

Dees says she should really consider going to Belleria's planet first. She asks how come and says she would rather just go in order. Syrma agrees saying she still has not gotten all of her ultimate god powers back either. Marina agrees with her saying maybe they can still handle Tioni, even without having a complete ultimate god. Kakeru says he has to disagree, saying that kind of scenario is totally missing the proper buildup. Soul Skyheart says it sounds like a pretty good idea and Supra agrees saying when it comes down to it, she is not sure she trusts Syrma enough to put everything on her shoulders anyway. Syrma asks what she should do. Onluka says personally she would prefer if they left Belleria's world for later. When Nao asks how come and if she is plotting something, she asks that after all this time, what could she possibly be plotting, saying that apparently Tioni thinks of her as a friend and asks if it is so strange for her to want her to have just a little bit more time. Syrma says that when she puts it that way, it makes her feel really bad for her. Shirogane tells her, even if it may be a bit late for suspicion at this point, she still should not take everything people tell her at face value, especially in Onluka's case because she was their enemy originally. Ryuto agrees with him and says he never did get a chance to ask why she betrayed Ace's party and decided to join Chou-Chou's. She tells him she did not betray anyone and she has always been in a neutral position, adding that the ones leading each group are ultimate gods and so as a fellow ultimate god, all she wants is to understand each side. Chou-Chou gets it and says she really did not betray them. Tsukika says she is not sure she understands trying to comprehend the situation. About how the ultimate god is an ultimate god and on the other side is another ultimate god. Reu does not comprehend it either. Dees asks if Onluka just casually dropped a bomb on them and she says she does not think she said anything strange.

Ryuto says Onluka mentioned ultimate gods in 'each group' and asks if that means Ace, the guy who tried to kill Syrma, is an ultimate god as well. Syrma is shocked upon hearing this and asks if that is seriously true. Chou-Chou asks why did Onluka wait until now to tell the rest something that important and she asks if she never mentioned it, saying that, come to think of it, every time she tried to tell them, they got interrupted somehow. Syrma asks that if she and Ace are ultimate gods, why does he want to kill her. Nao says not to tell her they have been wrong the whole time and they are all accomplices in some horrific crime. Kakeru tells her not to voice such frightful thoughts. Reu asks if Syrma is a bad person, but Onluka tells her not to worry about that part but if she does not become the ultimate god and defeat Tioni, the twelve worlds will be destroyed. Bertram says if that is true, it makes even less sense. Supra says she really does not know him , but asks if he is suicidal and says if that is the case, suggests he goes die in a hole somewhere. Onluka says there is a very simple reason fr his interference and giggles. When Nao asks why Onluka is laughing like that, she says it is too funny, but she is not in a position to tell them. Chou-Chou says she told them this much already and to just tell them the rest. Syrma agress, saying she is really curious and to tell them. Onluka says they will see Ace again soon enough, they can ask him themselves and thinks that will be far more entertaining. Alys tells her to stop being a jerk. Bertram says that perhaps it really is that big of a secret or perhaps it is something else. Sandy says she thinks she is doing this for her own amusement.

Meanwhile, Elka apologizes for interrupting them, but says they are almost at the next world, that he picked a planet to go to and asks if that is okay.

Final Stop, Ivory World[]

After the events on Sapphire World, Chou-Chou says now they are off to the final world, Ivory World. Syrma agrees, but says something feels different from before. Reu grabs on to Shirogane and shivers and he asks what is wrong, saying she does not have to grab onto him so tight. Tsukika says she is shivering and asks if she is scared. Kakeru says he can't blame her, saying there is an incredibly malignant energy emenationg from the world and he can feel it. Bertram agrees, saying he would certainly prefer to avoid it, if at all possible. Supra asks if they have any spine at all, saying this insignificant energy level is nothing to fear. Sandy asks if she sense something because she can't feel anything. Welsh Cocott, with Genimi (Blue Wing) inside her, asks Sharuru Cocott if she feels it because she can, just a little bit and she says she does, saying Gemini (Red Wing) within her is frightened. Nao says she feels it as well, saying it is like an unknown something just lurking there.Onluka asks if she can sense it, saying that is pretty impressive for a mere human. She says she is the hero of the twelve worlds and asks if maybe they forgot, and Ryuto remembers, saying that was her plotline, which she tells him not to call it. Welsh asks Nao, whom she calls Nao-Nao, is she is a hero as well and if so, that makes her her underling, and Sharuru says if she is Welsh's underling, it is only natural that she show her respect as well, and tells her not to forget her place from this point forward. As Nao is about to ask why would she be an underling, she says the situation is pretty dangerous and it is all because Syma took her sweet time.

When Syrma asks if this is her fault, Alys says she did waste more time on their travels more than anyone and Marina agrees with her, saying she did not seem concerned about it at all. Soul says maybe, but judging from everyone's reactions, this is no joke and Elka wishes it were a joke. As Syrma tries to argue, Onluka says she still has not made up her mind. Nao asks if she seriously did not make up her mind, asks if she is still dragging this thing out and says even though she can think about it all she wants, she only has one choice and if she does not do it, the twelve worlds are doomed. Syrma says she knows. Chou-Chou is silent. When Syrma asks if she is upset, she says no, but she says she is, and asks if she did something wrong. but she says she is not upset. When Ryuto asks if it is okay for him to land G-Castle on Ivory World, Dees says sure, because if they don't do something, Syrma will just stand there worrying herself to death, and she will never make a decision. When Syrma asks if they are already going to land and turns to Chou-Chou, she just humphs.

The Mugen Field is Fixed and The Sun Goddess Returns[]

The party must battle the Sun Goddess in order to obtain the true ending and to get this event, the party must see all the Mugen Field events.

At the end of the Mugen Field, Syrma asks if where they are is a dead end, and Nao says she guesses they made it to the very end. Ryuto says they are almost done and it was a long journey. Chou-Chou is disappointed by the fact they are done, sees there is nothing here and ask if this did this before.

Suddenly, Chou-Chou changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Graceful, who thanks the party and says thanks to them, the Mugen Field should be back to normal. Syrma is surprised and asks if Chou-Chou changed on her own and she says yes, saying that with the Mugen Field back to normal, they can change by their own will, and each form of Chou-Chou has their say:

She changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Hyper, who says it was fun when it was random as well, then she changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Bipolar, who says she supposes she could show the tiniest bit of gratitude, and again into Lil' Chou-Chou Terse, who says at least Chou-Chou won't end up dead now. When Kakeru asks why she looks a little disappointed, Shirogane says that is just how the Terse Chou-Chou is. She changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Masochist, who says it is not good to change and keep it secret from Chou-Chou, and so maybe the other Chou-Chou's should not do it so much anymore, and then changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Ditz, who continues by saying if they do it too much it could really mess with her head, and she changes into Li'l Chou-Chou Sadist, who says besides, she does not want to change while she is still like this... asking if they are working on getting her body back and calls them useless. Sandy apologizes and says she can count on her to get her gorgeous body back for her, and Supra lets out a hrmph.

Each of the seven Chou-Chou's say goodbye in their own way:

Chou-Chou Ditz, says she is sleepy and says she will leave the rest to them, Chou-Chou Hyper says she wants to play some more, Chou-Chou Terse says absolutely not because she does not want to deal with them another second, Chou-Chou Bipolar says she does not care either way, Chou-Chou Masochist says even though she does not care either, asks if one answer would lead to some extra punishment for her, Chou-Chou Sadist says she will not change again until her body is back to normal, and Chou-Chou Graceful says everyone is being so rude, apologizes, says she will show them her thanks properly another day and tells the other members of the party to keep this whole incident a secret from Chou-Chou.

She then changes back to base form Li'l Chou-Chou Ego, who, confused, says she feels like she has lost a few minutes of memory again. Ryuto says the other Chou-Chou's argued a bit, but in the end, the other personalities left without a hassle. Onluka says even if they fix the problem here, they have not dealt with the main issue yet. Kakeru agrees with her saying their battle has only just begun. When Chou-Chou asks why are they staring at her, Marina tells her not to worry about it and as she is about to say they can all get out of here and get back to their journey, the ground starts to rumble. Welsh asks what is going on, Sharuru asks if the ground is shaking, Nao asks if they did not fix the problem here and Chou-Chou says she does not know and asks why is she asking her.

Suddenly, something emerges from the ground in a burst of fire and light and gasps for air and screams. Syrma screams and Reu says it is a big person. The person breathes and says she finally got out of there. Tsukika says it is her, and Dees says she almost forgot about her. The person greets everyone, says long time no see and asks how they have been. Syrma asks Chou-Chou if she is a friend of hers and she asks the person who is she again, saying she kind of recognizes her face, but nothing else. Shocked, the person asks what, asks if they forgot about her, says she is terrible and says it is her, the Sun Goddess. Chou-Chou says now she remembers. Onluka is surprised saying Sun Goddess and asks if there are even more gods around here. When Supra asks who this woman is, Soul says the Sun Goddess just kind of appeared and started living in the Mugen Field a while ago. Marina says now that she thinks about it, she asked them to visit her from time to time... and she completely forgot about it. Bertram asks Elka, since all he thinks about is women, even he forgot to visit the Sun Goddess, and he tells him he does not have to say it like that, but he is not absolutely sure the Sun Goddess is a woman, and she is really strong.

The Sun Goddess boos them, saying they all forgot about her, saying that is why they never came to visit and says they are all meanies. Chou-Chou says it is not their fault and it is because they have been busy dealing with their own problems, but the Sun Goddess says that is no reason to forget about her and keep her trapped in the Mugen Field, but then notices Chou-Chou is small. When she asks what, the Sun Goddess is silent and then laughs, saying she is tiny, asks why is she so tiny and says she is like a little sesame seed. Insulted by this, she says calling her a sesame seed is the smallest comparison yet and says she is not that small. Alys says that from her point of view, she does look small.

The Sun Goddess says she gets it, and because she got smaller, the Mugen Field got smaller as well, saying that is unacceptable. Syrma is startled and says she got mad out of nowhere. She says they don't come to visit, they forget about her and they kept her locked up in here and she was so lonely. Reu asks about being locked up and says that is so sad. Tsukika tells her not to cry. Syrma asks if she is the one that locked her in here, by any chance and Nao says of course she is. Chou-Chou tells her she does not have time to deal with them and says she will see her later, but she says no three times and says they can't leave until they play with her, with her temper tantrum causing an earthquake. Alys tells her to stop thrashing around because she is shaking the entire Mugen Field. Kakeru says even though the Sun Goddess acts like a petulant child, the effect is no joke, and Supra says it looks like she really does have powers fit for a god. Onluka says all gods seem to get lonely so easily. When Marina asks if she gets lonely as well, she says that would be top secret. Welsh tells Chou-Chou the party should spend some time with her, and Sharuru says she is just saying that because she wants to play, and she says she knows her so well. The Sun Goddess yells at the party telling them to play with her. Chou-Chou caves in and says she the party will play with her. When she asks if they really will play with her, she says just this once, and tells her not to ask for more even if she loses. She complies and starts to play. Dees says they don't see Chou-Chou give in like that very often and Chou-Chou says they should beat her real quick and get out of here. Syrma asks if she is really strong, and the Sun Goddess says it has been a while, so she is going to give it all she has got.

After the battle, the Sun Goddess starts crying, saying she can't believe she lost to this tiny Chou-Chou, who says even though she is small, she is still the undisputed god and tells her to stop that fake crying, and she says nuts because she caught her and says she is getting treated like crud, because she gets forgotten, then locked up in here and then she gets beat up. Chou-Chou says she is the one that kept pestering them to play with her and the Sun Giddess says she is just kidding, stretches and says it ceels good to play after so long. Shocked, Syrma asks what she means and that did not feel like playing at all, and Welsh agrees, saying she is pooped. Elka agrees with Welsh and Syrma, saying he honestly thought he was going to die, but Alys says he is always like that after a fight. Sharuru, angry, says she is making Welsh look bad and tells her to keep her mouth shut. Chou-Chou asks the Sun Goddess if she is happy now and says they have to get going, but the Sun Goddess wants her to play with her just one more time, but Chou-Chou says no because she told her, just once. When she asks when will she visit next, she says she will be back as soon as she feels like it. She says she says that now, but she is going to forget and she will lock her up in a cramped place again, but she says she is not the one who locked her in. When Reu asks if she is going to lock her in again, Kakeru says she sure is mopey for being the sun goddess. Dees says she thinks she is mostly just acting, and Syrma tells Chou-Chou she should not pick on her too much. The Sun Goddess sulks and mopes and Chou-Chou says she is so irritating and says fine, she will come back when she gets her body back to normal. Soul says she finally gives in and Ryuto says the sun goddess is getting her way with Chou-Chou and that is kind of surprising. When she asks when, she says she does not know because it all depends on Syrma. When she asks her, the Sun Goddess cheers Syrma on telling her to change Chou-Chou back to normal. Even though Syrma says she will try, Nao tells her it is no use telling her to hurry up with anything, but she says that is not true. The Sun Goddess says she promised and tells her she will get mad if she forgets, and Onluka tells her it is no use telling her not to forget stuff either, and she says they are both meanies. Chou-Chou orders the Sun Goddess to wait in the Mugen Field quietly until she comes back and not to cause any trouble, and she complies, saying she will be waiting. 

Normal Ending[]

Sleeping Gods of Destruction

In the aftermath, Belleria and Tioni are sound asleep and Chou-Chou is still small. In this scenario, the party can no longer visit the Twelve Worlds, and Altis is too late and can no longer rejoin the party

In addition, Belleria is removed from the party but Ace is added as a replacement.

The Final Chapter Begins[]

After the events on Ivory World, Syrma and the party get back on G-Castle, with Syrma saying they made it. Reu says she is first and Welsh is upset that she lost because she used to be the fastest one. Chou-Chou says they almost did not make it and tells Syrma it is all because she is such a slowpoke, but she says she ran as fast as she could and says Chou-Chou is the only one not running. When Ryuto asks if everyone is her and if anyone got left behind, Alys says that if Marina is here, then everyone else should be as well, but she says that was mean, saying even she would not get lost at a time like this.

Suddenly, Supra notices that Ace is not here and Kakeru adds that neither is the evil masked beauty and says he wanted to avenge their fallen comrade. Tsukika says that Altis is dead, but Soul says he hopes she got away and says of she did not make it out of there, there is no telling what would happen.

Suddenly, the party notices a giant world made of black energy outside. Sharuru says even she fears this maglignant energy. Sandy asks what is that, asking if it is a star, or maybe another world... and Belleria says it is probably the world Tioni created. Shocked, Elka says that not only does Tioni just destroy and erase things, she can create as well, but Onluka tells him it is not as innocent as he makes it sound, and tells them to take another look. Dees says the artificial world is getting bigger and Onluka confirms it, saying whatever it swallows up will be erased, and once it has swallowed everything, it will erase itself. Nao can not believe and say the artificial world is going to eventually swallow up the ywelve worlds, and Shirogane says the artificial world is getting bigger by the minute. Bertram says he does not remember such a thing when they fought so long ago. When Syrma asks if there is anything they can do about it, Nao tells her to not just sit there whining and says they need to act, but Syrma says she has not changed back into the ultimate god yet, but if they do not do something, everything is going to disappear.

After thinking, Chou-Chou says she decided and orders Ryuto to head into the artificial world at full speed, saying they will take care of it before it gets too big and he complies. When Kakeru asks if she did not hear anything they said, Chou-Chou says she heard him, saying if they do not do something about that thing, the twelve worlds will be erased, and even though the ultimate god might not be enough, she is here so it will be a piece of cake. When Syrma asks Chou-Chou what she is talking about, she says the ultimate god is still so unreliable and gives Syrma a noogie, and Syrma feels the pain, saying she is noogieing is her temple.

When Bertram asks Alys if she will let this happen, she says it is not like she will listen if she tries to stop her and Elka says, even though he does not want to, he has no choice.Supra says it was their mistake for not ending her in the first place and this time she will get the job done for sure, and Sandy calls her gallant, but Soul says he wants to remind her not to kill her. Shirogane says they have come so far, so he might as well see it through and he needs to watch over the youngsters as well. Tsukika tells Reu they will try their best,  and Reu says she will do her best and Welsh and Sharuru as well. Welsh says they are with her and asks if Sharuru if they are right, and she calls her Sharoo as well, which Sharuru tells her not to dare start calling her that. Onluka says she never imagined she would be going along with the reckless decisions of the young ones at her age... and Marina says she is one of the older ones in this group, but she has just been going along for the ride. Kakeru says it was unlike him to be so weak-spirited, and he must win this battle...for justice. Syrma is surprised everyone is gung-ho about it. Belleria tells her not to worry, saying she is sure they will still make it. Syrma gains confidence and says they will make it. Chou-Chou then says it is time to go, saying the world is all theirs and she will not let Tioni erase it.

To the World of Awakening[]

Outside the dome of the World of Awakening, Chou-Chou tells Ryuto to go faster. He complies and says he will push it up to maximum speed. Nao asks Chou-chou if they are just going to dive in and she says of course and asks if Tioni is still in there, but she tells her to hold on, asking if aren't they going to get erased if they go in there. Chou-Chou says it will be fine, saying if she got erased by being in there, Tioni would have been erased herself, but she says she can not be sure about that and she is the one who created it. Onluka says they should be fine for a little while at least, but she can not say what might happen if they hang around too long. Belleria says that she feels like as a fellow god of destruction, she should have some resistance against it and says that would be nice anyway. Syrma says it is okay, since she is an ultimate god, she says she will be fine as well, but Nao says even though that is all well and good for them, she is a human. Elka says that means he is in danger as well. Bertram agrees with him, saying that as a hero, Nao may fare better, but he is lower than the lowest commoner and hopes he will be turned to dust instantly. When Elka tells Ryuto to give him the wheel, saying they can still turn the ship around and go home, Supra tells him they have come this far already, to be quiet and brace himself, and Reu says the same thing. Syrma says the World of Awakening is right in front of them. Ryuto says they are going right for the center and Chou-Chou tells him to go and they ram right in, but Elka says he is not ready yet.

Inside, Ryuto asks if they just passed right through the barrier, and Chou-Chou, like she said, they are fine. When Sharuru asks if they are still alive, Welsh tells her it is okay and to open her eyes. Elka says he thinks he just lost a year off his life, at least and Alys tells him not to be such a wuss. Kakeru says this is what it is like on the inside, and Marina adds that it looks just like any other world, and it even has totally normal-looking land and she was picturing a wavy magical alternate dimension. Dees says she is not detecting any abnormalities, but there could very well be something lurking out there that can not be detected by normal means. Bertram says he can not help but wonder what this might mean. Onluka asks this world is not just some dimension-X that erases or destrys everything it consumes, and says if this world is something she created through sheer force of will, this could be a good sign. Syrma says Ace might even still be alive somewhere in here, and if he is, as she says she could still reunite into a single ultimate god, Reu says she wants to go outside, but Tsukika tells her don't because she might get hurt if she runs out there. Chou-Chou says it does look like fun though and she kind of wants to go walk around for a bit, but Sandy tells her she is afraid now might not be the best time to explore. Syrma agrees with her and says they need to hurry, and Belleria glares at her. Chou-Chou says she knows that, saying they can explore later, but first they need to find Tioni. When Shirogane asks if that is her over yonder, Souls says he guesses she does not want to run and hide. Chou-Chou says that is a good thing, because it saves them thr trouble of tracking her down, asks if everybody is ready and says it is time for the final battle. And Syrma ends by saying a loud okay.

Syrma also gets the Ultimate Fusion Ability, Ultimate Hustle, which causes green barriers on certain worlds to disappear.

Confronting Awakened Tioni[]

On G-Castle, Chou-Chou says they can see Tioni and wonders if she is fighting with someone. Then they get off.

As Awakened Tioni fires more energy beams, Elka does some evasive maneuvers.

After heaing what most of the party said about him, he tells them to be quiet and asks why can't they compliment him without insulting him at the same time.

True Ending[]

Occasional Absorption

Tioni having her excess powers absorbed.

After the events on the World of Awakening, Tioni is seen inside the coffin having her powers absorbed and moaning. She begs for it to stop because she feels sick, asks if it is over yet and begs for no more and if Syrma absorbs any more of her power she will die.

The coffin opens and spits out Tioni, who says the torture is over and Syrma says it is all done. Tioni says no matter how many times she does that, she will never get used to it saying it is so sticky and gross, and Syrma tells her she does not have to get that grossed out, saying if she does not absorb her powers from time to time, she will end up transforming again. Tioni apologizes, saying she knows she is only doing this for her and Syrma says it is okay and apologizes as well, saying if she does end up changing back, that will cause problems for her as well, so they are helping each other out and Tioni agrees, saying she does not want to change back again and she tells her not to worry because she will always be by her side, ready to absorb her excess power. Tioni starts crying, yet she is happy and Syrma asks why is she crying.

Ace says she is making her cry again, but Onluka says those are tears of joy and he should be happy for her, but he says Tioni never cried when he said stuff like that. When Onluka asks what did he say, saying she did not quite chatch it, he says it is nothing and says Syrma keeps on doing that weird stuff to Tioni with that coffin. Onluka says there is no way around it and he is not very convincing when he turns beet-red, but he denies that he is turning red, tells her to stop getting a rise out of him and asks why is she even bugging him. She says he just seemed so lonely over there by himself and asks why not join them instead of sulking in a corner, but he tells her to leave him alone and right now he just wants to sulk in peace. Onluka teases him by saying after hearing Tioni make those noises, he is too embarrassed to even look at her and says that is adorable and he curses her.

When Tioni asks who is making all that noise, and Syrma asks if someone is fighting, Belleria says it is just Onluka poking fun at Ace and they can ignore them. Tioni greets Belleria and Syrma says it isthe same as usual and she is done absorbing Tioni. Belleria thanks her and says she hopes her peon did not cause her too much trouble. When Tioni ass Belleria if she is her peon, she confirms it, saying she and Chou-Chou turned her into a peon, and now she is her master and she must respect her. She calls her Lady Belleria, says she is not worthy and asks how that was and she says her master is satisfied. Syrma is impressed, saying she sounds like some big fancy super important person. Nao comes in and asks why are they all being dumb and Belleria says she just wanted to play around a bit. When Tioni asks if she was just kidding, Belleria says she is and apologizes, saying she does not want her to be her peon, she wants her to be her friend. Tioni giggles and Nao asks why don't they go take a bath because Tioni is all sticky and Belleria agrees, saying she actually came to them to invite Tioni to the bathhouse and asks if she wants to go and she says yes and tells the others she will be going. Syrma says she will see her later. Nao says it looks like Tioni is getting pretty settled in here and Syrma says she is such a good girl, saying she is so quiet and cute, even though she seems kind of nervous. When Nao asks what she means by a good girl, bringing up the fact that Tioni did try to destroy the twelve worlds and Syrma says she knows and says that is why she is absorbing her power, so it does not happen again. Ace tells her to stop being a tight-butt and let go of the past. Insulted, Nao asks him how dare he say something like that to a lady and asks what about him, asking why he is riding around with them like it is totally normal and he says Tioni said she wanted to come with them so he did not have a choice. Onluka says they will have to forgive him and he has been sulking a lot lately, now that Tioni has not been paying him as much attention and he says he is not sulking and tells her to stop making stuff up.

The other members of the party enter. Shirogane asks if they are still going at it and says they do not get tired of bickering, and Alys says this is the most comfortable part of the ship and tells them not to hog it so much. Onluka says it looks like a crowd is gathering and Syrma apologizes and says they are all done now and tells them to feel free to come in. Elka says Ace is mad because the girl he cares about refuses to feel the same way and tells him he understands his feelings all too well, but he says he is the last person he wants any amount of sympathy or pity from.

When Nao asks the party if they all decided to stick around as well, Tsukika says she does not have to say it like that because they were on G-Castle before she ever showed up. Altis asks what is with the attitude because she finally made her glamorous return after being gone for so long and asks if this is how he treats her and Shirogane says that is nobody's fault but her own and Reu says she is with Shirogane and Tsukika. Bertram says he can not leave Alys' side. Kakeru says the Hero of Justice and Evil Masked Beauty fromed a friendship through battle, and so the second part of their adventure begins, but Altis says he can tempt her all he wants, but she is never going to wear her Evil Masked Beauty costume again and reiterates never. Supra says she blames Sandy, saying she and Soul could have gotten off the ship, just the two of them, but Sandy says she would never allow such a thing, asking about Soul and Supra alone together and says that is far too dangerous. Soul says he thinks that the only thing that would be in danger is his life.

Onluka says there is no reason for them to stick around the twelve worlds anymore and going out in search of new worlds sounds way more fun, and Syrma says she is glad everyone is still here, including Nao, who says that the destroyer of the twelve worlds is still on this ship and she has to keep an eye on her. Onluka says Nao is so stubborn, just like Ace and she tells him not to compare her to him and he agrees with her telling her not to compare him to her.

Marina says laundry and food and stuff is a hassle with this many people, but Dees says Ryuto has been handling all that stuff by himself, just like usual. Ryuto says if they realize that, and asks why don't they give him a hand and Marina apologizes, saying nobody else here, herself included, like doing that kind of everyday stuff and Ryuto shrugs it off saying he does it because he likes to anyway, and if Chou-Chou can enjoy his cooking, that is all he could ever ask for. Sharuru says Ryuto really is a peon, down to the bone and Welsh says she noticed that Chou-Chou is not here.

Chou-Chou arrives sayiing there they are and Nao says speak of the devil. As she asks why does she have to go around looking for everyone and asks where is Belleria and Tioni, Syrma says they went to take a bath. Chou-Chou then says she comes all the way there to invite them herself and asks if they run off together and tells everyone else to get going.When Syrma asks why her as well, Chou-Chou asks if she is refusing her invitation and she says not at all but asks why her and Chou-Chou says she spent so much time on her head, she feels like she will drown without her there, so she tells her to be quiet and come with her and she tells her not to pull her arm so hard.

Nao says Chou-Chou is as noisy as ever, even when she is back to normal and Tsukika says she is not sure calling her munchkin really works anymore. Bertram says even though he does not mind them making time for a bath, asks how long are the party going to keep wandering aimlessly and Kakeru agrees with him, saying even now, somewhere out in the inky darkness of space, someone could be calling out for help. Reu says she wants to go outside and Ryuto says knowing Chou-Chou, she will start yelling about how bored she is in no time and the party will get caught up in another adventure. Supra says she hopes so and Altis says she does not mind taking it easy for a while becuase that last adventure was exhausting.

Chou-Chou tells Syrma to stop lagging behind and asks if she somehow learned how to walk even slower and Syrma says Chou-Chou is just faster now that she is big again. And thus, the story comes to a close.

Conquer the Twelve Worlds! EN

The End.

In the post game: Chou-Chou, Ace, Altis and Tioni join the party.
